Giovedi a Garden Books Proiezione Documentario "Chinese rural economy”周四韬奋书局《中国农村经济》新书介绍会




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Proiezione del documentario

In lingua inglese

Chinese rural economy

A cura del Prof. Michele Geraci

della Nottingham University (Ningbo)

Seguira' dibattito


Giovedi 20 Marzo, ore 18:30
Garden Books (Changle Rd 325 by Shaanxi South Rd)

1free soft drink/dessert





制作人:Michele Geraci


诺丁汉大学商学院 (中国)-中国经济政策项目主管与金融助理教授

全球政策研究所 -中国项目主管

浙江大学 - 高级研究员与金融兼职教授







CHINA ECONOMY AND SOCIETY is a series of five documentaries, written by Michele Geraci, each focusing on different aspects of modern China: Rural Economy, Manufacturing, Urbanisation, Financial System and Economic Development Model. The first episode focuses on Chinese Rural Economy, because in order to understand the Chinese economic development model and the business opportunities that China offers, one needs first to understand how the rural economy operates, no matter if your business activities relates to manufacturing electronic products, textile, or any other sector. China's economy is a complex, interrelated ecosystem and the beginning is just in the countryside.


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