SHANGHAI e SUZHOU: Conference “The culture of emotions in the history of chinese novels in the last two dynasties”( 讲座)


意大利驻沪总领事馆文化处邀请您参加主题为“从明清­小说透视中国的情感文化 ”的讲座。

讨论会将于201246930分和15:00分别在上海社­会科学院和苏州大学举行,主讲人为意大利罗马一大教­授Paolo Santangelo先生。

The IIC Shanghai is glad to invite you

 to the Conference

“The culture of emotions in the history of chinese novels in the last two dynasties.

The conference will be held by

Mr. Paolo Santangelo,

professor of the University of Rome “La Sapienza” in Italy

on April 6th at 9:30 and 15:00 hrs

at the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences and the Suzhou University, respectively.

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