Shanghai: “Feelings of Venice”-Exhibitions of Contemporary Art by Artists from Venice 意大利威尼斯艺术家当代艺术展




Shanghai: “Feelings of  Venice”

- mostre di Arte Contemporanea
Artisti dell'Area Veneziana

L’Istituto Italiano di Cultura-Shanghai

comunica  che

dal 25 agosto 2012 al 31 agosto 2012

dal 1o settempre 2012 all’8 settempre 2012,

presso lo FYR Gallery-Art Bund 111

 saranno in esposizione

due mostre di arte contemporanea

 con la partecipazione 

di artisti dell’area veneziana.

Dettagli in allegato)

Shanghai: “Feelings of  Venice”

-Exhibitions of Contemporary Art

by Artists from Venice

The IIC Shanghai informs that

from August 25th 2012 to August 31st

and from September 1st 2012 to September 8th

at the FYR Gallery in the Art Bund 111,

will be held

due exhibitions

of contemporary art

by artists from Venice.

(Details in attachment)

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